is trying to discredit and drive potential Jews away from online conversion programs that are terrific and have helped many many hundreds become Jewish. There are people all over the world who WANT to be Jewish and there are NO Rabbis in the country or for many hours of travel. There are also people whose schedule does not permit them to attend a brick and mortar class that may be offered just one set day a week. Many of those few rabbis out there won't teach and convert people who don't physically sit before them. Jews are contracting worldwide, becoming a smaller and smaller part of the population. Does anyone really think that is good?. We think it is nonsense that those people cannot become Jewish who want to be. it is the 21st century with Harvard, Yale, MIT offering degrees obtained online. Ignoramuses oppose proactive conversion. perhaps they want to keep Judaism a small club.
We have fantastic class which hundreds of people have used to successfully learn about Judaism and then convert and are now very active in the synagogues nearby or living Jewish life in remote areas. It is a deep shame Orthodox and Conservative denominations are so backward so far they refuse to see thye wisdom of this. Conservative Judaism especially, shrinking into nothingness more and more each year, should embrace this but, alas, they have not.
This fellow who calls himself Shmu the Jew and makes nonsense videos on the internet no one watches, slanders and defames our great learning program. He is trying to drive people to less quality programs or to not even try. Shame on him.
Even if he means well, which he might, his grievous error is failing to recognize this truth: It is tragic and incredibly shortsighted of the Rabbinical Assembly to turn their backs on online conversion courses and beit din of their own members who see the wisdom in a creative and well structured online learning program for conversion. Online learning is good enough for Harvard, Yale etc but not the RA. Conservative Judaism is dying and they resist creative outreach.
TThey now want to do to online learning opportunities for people who want to be Jewish what the Ultra Orthodox do to the regular Orthodox., and the regular Orthodox do to the Conservative. "Your conversions are not kosher enough for me. " And Shmu the Jew encourages this travesty!
No one can offer a fool proof conversion that will be universally accepted aside from the Ultra Orthodox. We offer a great course and preparation and encourage people to convert with their local rabbi. Sometimes there isn't one and we have assembled veteran rabbis from non orthodox denominations who sit and approve the candidates. If a rabbi somewhere is so small minded, or the rabbinical assembly is so small minded and foolish they can't see the need for this program, shame on them. of all the online programs out there, we are the onloy ones developed by Rabbis with a traditional background and we think the only one that offers a full beit din of genuine rabbis. Shmu the Jew arrogantly ignores all these truths.
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